How to claim inheritance in italy, Italian Inheritance Attorneys

The succession process starts at the testator’s death and it is completed with the formal devolution of the assets.


The opening of succession and the overall procedure is normally run by a Public Notary, who will ascertain the validity of the testament and the respect of mandatory provisions and public policy (e.g. legitimate portions, capacity to succeed and become heir, absence of pacts of succession, prohibition of disinheritance, et al.).

Once interpreted the deceased’s wills, the notary will then allocate the portions of the asset. In case of intestate succession, the law sets the criteria for intestacy and apportionment. In addition to the notary, public officials are vested of the authority to carry out the formalities imposed by the law.


According to the Italian succession laws, the beneficiaries of a will or intestate succession are not required to accept any sort of assets bequeathed to them, including real estate properties. Whether or not accepting inheritance in Italy depends on a number of factors, such as estate liabilities, succession taxes, property taxes, market value, among others.


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